You are currently viewing Meeting Minutes Dec 14th 2022

Meeting Minutes Dec 14th 2022

SMTX Chess Club, Inc.
Meeting Minutes
December 14th, 2022 at 6:00 PM
At the San Marcos Public Library

Type of Meeting

2nd Annual Board Of Directors Meeting

Meeting Facilitator

Jeremy Lovelace – President, Chairman of the Board


    • Mateo Garcia – Vice President
    • Jack Parker – Secretary
    • Adam Landry – Treasurer
    • Club Members

I. Call to order

    1. Jeremy Lovelace calls meeting to order at 6:11 pm December 14th, 2022

II. Roll call – ALL PRESENT

      1. Jeremy Lovelace – present
      2. Mateo Garcia – present
      3. Jack Parker – present
      4. Adam Landry – present
      5. ~ 16 club members present

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting

    1. Jeremy Lovelace motions to approve previous meeting minutes
    2. Jack Parker seconds
    3. All in favor – motion passes

IV. Open issues

    1. RBFCU is active with the President – Jeremy Lovelace and Treasurer – Adam Landry on the account

V. Reports

    1. Treasurer’s Report (see Exhibit A)
    2. Vice-President’s Report (see Exhibit B)

V. New business

A. Membership growth

      1. Paid advertising has not been more effective than free advertising
      2. Discussed creation of membership system for tracking
        1. Member residency and tournament registration residency information should be collected to report to the San Marcos Visitor Bureau for possible grants/funding for the club contributing to tourism
        2. Jeremy Lovelace will create system via the website
      3. Special membership recognition – Enzo Brazwell
      4. Bulletin board postings at local businesses and radio advertisement for organic growth.
      5. Discussed possible formation of membership committee. The President (Jeremy Lovelace) will email members to see if anyone is interested in volunteering for a membership committee to be chaired by the Vice-President (Mateo Garcia).
        1. Jeremy Lovelace makes motion to table discussion until we get results of above mentioned email.
          1. Jack Parker seconds
          2. All in favor – motion passes

B. Past Tournament Review

      1. Vice-President review (also detailed in Vice-Presidents report in Exhibit B)
        1. Surplus of snacks
        2. More volunteers needed to enforce tournament rules
        3. Volunteer needed to photograph/video tournaments
        4. More volunteers needed for setup/takedown
        5. Clearer announcement needed for each tournament round start

C. Future Tournaments

      1. Jeremy Lovelace motions to approve scheduling 4 USCF rated tournaments per year
        1. Mateo Garcia seconds
        2. All in favor – motion passes
      2. Discussed collaboration with other regional chess organizations to avoid tournament schedule overlap
      3. Discussed possible formation of a tournament committee. The President (Jeremy Lovelace) will email members to see if anyone is interested in volunteering for a membership committee to be chaired by the Vice-President (Mateo Garcia).
        1. Jeremy Lovelace makes motion to table discussion until we get results of above mentioned email.
          1. Jack Parker seconds
          2. All in favor – motion passes

D. Fundraising

      1. Club is on pace and meeting fundraising goals based on Treasurer’s Report (see exhibit A)
      2. Discussed possible formation of a fundraising committee. The President (Jeremy Lovelace) will email members to see if anyone is interested in volunteering for a fundraising committee.
        1. Jeremy Lovelace makes motion to table discussion until we get results of above mentioned email.
          1. Jack Parker seconds
          2. All in favor – motion passes

F. Club Meeting Activities/Events

      1. Chess Ladder. The President (Jeremy Lovelace) will email members to see if anyone is interested.
        1. Jeremy Lovelace makes motion to table discussion until we get results of above mentioned email.
          1. Jack Parker seconds
          2. All in favor – motion passes

E. Community Outreach Ideas

      1. Sunrise Senior Apartment Living – volunteer once per month to play and teach chess to residents
      2. Providing chess sets and possibly chess classes for the incarcerated
      3. Providing chess sets to the local halfway house
      4. Scholastic chess tournaments
      5. Background check process for club volunteers will be needed

G. Set date, time, and location of next board meeting

      1. Jeremy Lovelace motions to approve date, time, and location of the first board of directors meeting of 2023 will be on the Wednesday following the next tournament. Approximately late March to early April.
      2. Mateo Garcia seconds
      3. All in favor – motion passes

VI. Open Floor

A. Mateo Garcia requests floor

      1. Suggests a Zelick’s (local bar) adults only tournament possibility. Owner’s already said they would sponsor.
      2. Jeremy Lovelace will follow-up with owner and report back

B. Member (Barry Schmick) requests floor

      1. mentions improving visibility of Tournament date and location announcements.
        1. Tournaments will be announced on the front page of the SMTX website

VII. Adjournment

    1. Jeremy Lovelace makes motion to adjourn
    2. Mateo Garcia seconds
    3. All in favor – Motion passed
    4. Meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm December 14th, 2022


President Signature


Jeremy Lovelace


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